Neuropsychiatry Community Services

Service name

Neuropsychiatry Community Services

Main contact numbers

Neuropsychiatry Community and Outpatients – 01782 652675
Neuropsychiatry Day Hospital – 01782 441600 (ext 1397)

Services based at

Bennett Centre
Richmond Terrace
ST1 4ND – click here to get directions from Google Maps

Service hours

9am-5pm – Monday to Friday

About the service

The Neuropsychiatry service is a complex speciality which supports people who develop mental health problems following an acquired brain injury. By this we may mean a couple of different things – if someone has an accident, for example, and sustains a brain injury which results in a severe change of personality, this is likely to be as a result of a neurological change. The acquired brain injury may be as a result of trauma due to progressive, degenerative changes which can include genetic conditions such as Huntington’s Disease.

Clients accessing the Neuropsychiatry service are supported by the team to reach their potential through extensive assessment of their needs and abilities.