Neuropsychology, Physical Health and Older Adults Psychology Service

Service name

Neuropsychology, Physical Health and Older Adults Psychology Services

Main contact numbers

01782 275188 or 01782 275127

Service based at

Bennett Centre
Richmond Terrace
ST1 4ND – click here to get directions from Google Maps

Service hours

9am-5pm – Monday to Friday

About the service

The Neuropsychology service is for people who are experiencing complex psychological, emotional and behavioural problems associated with somatic concerns or medical illness. It also supports adults who have neuropsychological problems associated with brain damage or those with acquired neurological problems and psychological difficulties arising from physical illness, disease or injury.

For older people, this speciality aims to provide effective and evidence based psychological interventions to older clients, their partners or informal carers and work with/support formal carers in providing effective psychological care. We aim to provide a service which values older people and is ethical in that it respects individual difference and needs.