Supporting Managers & Leaders

The resources and advice on this page aim to help our managers and leaders to proactively support their teams, to help you identify when someone may need more support and what you may need to do to help them.


NHS – Anxiety and Fear

NHS – Decision Making

NHS – Leadership

NHS – Multi-Agency Teams

Talking to children about illness

Talking to People about Dying during the Pandemic

The 5-minute check in chat

Series of short videos (2-3 mins) from The Kings Fund on Leading Through Covid-19

How the health system in New zealand responded to Covid-19

Creating a common purpose and supportive culture

The nurturing role of leaders

Looking after colleagues during the Covid-19 crisis

Responding to the Covid-19 crisis: Don Berwick

Making decisions in difficult circumstances

Why is leadership important right now?

Finding solutions in complex situations

Adapting to changing circumstances

Other resources

COVID-19: Psychological First Aid Training