
Contact us

Table of Contents

Contact in a crisis

If you are in a mental health crisis or need urgent help:

Call 111 (select mental health option)

You can call 111 any day of the week at any time to speak to a member of our 24/7 Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team.

For anything else regarding your treatment at Combined Healthcare, please call our Single Point of Access Team, available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm:

0800 0 328 728 (option 1)

If you have a hearing impairment and are unable to utilise the telephone, you can text us on 07739 775202 and the team will respond as soon as possible (please note: this text service is charged at your network provider’s rate).

General enquiries

Main switchboard

Telephone: 0300 123 1535

If you have a hearing impairment and are unable to use the telephone, you can text Harplands Reception on 07834 148926 and the team will respond as soon as possible (please note: this service is charged at your network provider’s rate).

Contact a service or team

If you are looking to contact a specific service or team, please browse our service location pages.


North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
Lawton House
Bellringer Road

Tel: 0300 123 1535 (ext. 6661)

If you have a hearing impairment and are unable to use the telephone, you can text Lawton House Reception on 07834 172194 and the team will respond as soon as possible (please note: this text service is charged at your network provider’s rate).

Media enquiries

Tel: 0800 0328 728 (free phone) or 07921 948282 (text and speech)


Out of hours or weekends

Please call the main switchboard on 0300 123 1535 and ask for the on-call director.
