The Edward Myers Unit strives to provide high-quality, recovery-focused, inpatient drug and alcohol detoxification for people with complex needs. Our specialist, multidisciplinary team is committed to providing the very best care for patients and their families. The team’s innovative, person-centred approach supports people to achieve and sustain long-term recovery.
A clear plan of care will be developed with you, involving your drug worker, community addiction nurse, or other professional, before you are placed on the ward waiting list or admitted to the ward. This will help you to know what is happening during your admission and be involved in the design of the follow‑on discharge plan.
Before admission you may be able to visit the ward to help you prepare. Through the early part of your admission the care team will see you to refine your plan to meet your needs. It will be discussed and agreed with you.
You will have access to, and copies of, the care plans as appropriate.
You will be allocated a named nurse who will be responsible for your care while in hospital. If necessary, named nurses will liaise with and involve others in your care. They provide a link with other professionals. Your named nurse will have regular contact with you to discuss any concerns which you might have.
During your stay you will be expected to participate in a number of group sessions, aimed at helping you maintain abstinence once you are discharged. Each weekday the physiotherapy department provides an exercise session, either on the ward or in the physiotherapy department. It consists of gentle exercise and takes into consideration your physical ability.
Ward nursing staff run two groups a day lasting an hour each. The aim is for you to develop relapse prevention and relaxation techniques to help you to maintain a drug/alcohol-free lifestyle after you are discharged. We also offer complementary therapies such as relaxation and auricular acupuncture.
We offer education sessions, providing you with information on the effects of alcohol/drug misuse. Outside agencies attend the ward regularly, giving you an idea of other services that are available.
Edward Myers Unit, Harplands Hospital, Hilton Road, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
The process from entering to the discharge is very thorough, as it helps us to start and reflect on what issues we have and what help we can receive once out.
The treatment was amazing, and the staff are amazing. I couldn't thank them enough for all they have done for me. They made me feel welcome and got my life back on track.
Great staff, they are so kind and caring. They make you feel very welcome, they are always there if you need them - just all-round great. I would recommend to anyone. It has changed my life for the better.
I can't fault it here, it saved my life! A big thank you. Very good service.
I'd like to say how professional and caring all staff are - not judgemental in any way. This service is second to none and I'm sure they have helped me through this.