Summers View Rehab


Phone Number
01782 425754
Service Hours
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Out of Hours Contact Number

About the service

Summers View is a 10-bed mental health rehabilitation unit. The team specialises in supporting people with enduring psychosis through their recovery journey, helping them to reach their optimum and their goals.

Summers View supports people who experience long-term complex mental health problems, therefore the service is structured to offer an extended period of engagement to help individuals maximise their potential and quality of life, maximise social inclusion by encouraging their skills,  promote independence and autonomy in order to give people hope for the future and lead to successful community living through appropriate support.

The unit has a full multi-disciplinary team, which strives to deliver high-quality, compassionate care that promotes independence and recovery for people with mental health needs.

The service is delivered in line with the care programme approach (CPA) and evidenced-based practice.


Summers View, Furlong Road, Tunstall, ST6 5UD

Summers View AccessAble
