
Expenditure over £25,000 archive

Table of Contents

In accordance with the government’s commitment to greater transparency, the trust is required to publish online expenditure over £25,000.

Expenditure, for the purposes of this exercise, is all individual invoices, grant payments, expense payments or other such transactions that are over £25,000. Certain expenditure, such as that related to the trust’s payroll and money administered on behalf of clients, is excluded from the scope of these disclosures.

The trust will publish expenditure over £25,000 on a monthly basis, as stipulated by HM Treasury.

Data inclusions

The trust has included the following within the files showing the expenditure data:

  • Name of department (the Department of Health being the Trust’s ‘parent’ department)
  • Name of the trust (North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust)
  • The payment date as recorded within the trust’s Purchase Ledger
  • The description of the expenditure (expense type)
  • The area within the trust that has spent the money (expense area)
  • The full name of the supplier
  • A reference number for each individual expenditure transaction
  • The value of the transaction

Expenditure over £25,000 archive

Expenditure over £25,000 – 2025