Financial review
2021/22 was another strong year for the Trust financial achieving a surplus for the year from continuing operations of £1.5m against income of £149.9m. This was the 23rd year the Trust has consecutively achieved a surplus position and exceeding the legal requirements to breakeven by delivering a surplus of 1%.
We are pleased to report the Trust has an adjusted financial performance surplus for the purpose of system achievement of £895k against a plan of breakeven, giving a £895k favourable variance. This was mainly due to COVID-19 cost reimbursement from the CCGs. This reflects the hard work and dedication from all our staff to ensure we deliver quality services in an efficient and effective way. Good financial management is vital for the success of the Trust and to deliver high quality care for our patients and service users.
2020/21 saw significant changes to the financial regime implemented nationally to support the response to COVID-19 which continued into 2021/22 resulting in two planning rounds for the year for the first 6 months and second 6 months of the year. Usual operational planning and contract negotiation processes were suspended nationally and the interim regime that was introduced for the period 1st October 2020 to 31st March 2021 continued into 2021/22 which included a share of system allocated funding.
Income in 2021/22 total £150.0m. Most of the Trust’s income £120.8m (81%) was delivered from Clinical Commissioning groups and NHS England in relation to healthcare services provided during the year. Other income relates to services provided to other NHS bodies, primary care, training and education and other miscellaneous income.
During 2021/22, we have continued to invest in the Trust’s estates and assets through our capital programme. This includes commencing a major capital investment in the main inpatient facility at Harplands for the eradication of dormitories, ICT software and hardware and backlog maintenance.
We ended the year with a cash balance of £25.9m. This is an increase on the previous year and reflects the in-year surplus as well as good debtor control practices.
The Trust acknowledges that the coming years will be financially challenging with efficiency demands required. This is driven by the need to improve quality and accessibility of our services whilst maintaining financial balance. New efficiency programmes are being developed to support this challenge.
The accounts have been prepared under a going concern basis based on the anticipated future provision of services in the public sector. The Trust Directors have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that individually or collectively cast doubt on the Trust’s ability to operation as a going concern entity.
- Expenditure over £25,000
In accordance with the government’s commitment to greater transparency, the Trust is required to publish online expenditure over £25,000. Expenditure, for the purposes of this exercise, is all individual invoices, grant payments, expense payments or other such transactions that are over £25,000. Certain expenditure, such as that related to the Trust’s payroll and money administered on behalf of clients, is excluded from the scope of these disclosures.
The Trust will publish expenditure over £25,000 on a monthly basis, as stipulated by HM Treasury.
To see the latest expenditure over £25,000 reports, please click here.
Expenditure over £25,000
Data inclusions
The Trust has included the following within the files showing the expenditure data:
- Name of Department (the Department of Health being the Trust’s ‘parent’ department)
- The name of the Trust (North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust)
- The Payment date as recorded within the Trust’s Purchase Ledger
- The Description of the Expenditure (expense type)
- The area within the Trust that has spent the money (expense area)
- The full name of the supplier
- A reference number for each individual expenditure transaction
- The value of the transaction
Link to HM Government website
Further information regarding the expenditure of government departments can be found on the HM Government website here.