Forced Marriage Unit
0207 0080151
Emotional and practical support for LGBT and people experiencing domestic abuse.
0800 999 5428
Domestic abuse charity that supports people experiencing domestic abuse.
0330 0945 559
Information and Training on Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs)
MARAC Information
Provides full practitioner resources, including downloadable CAADA and DASH forms.
Men’s Advice Line
The Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic violence and abuse.
0808 801 0327
New Era Victim Support
New Era is the new holistic Domestic Abuse (DA) service operating across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, providing free and confidential support for victims, perpetrators and their families.
0300 303 3778
Pathway Project
Pathway provides refuge accommodation and community outreach support in Burtnwood, Tamworth and Lichfield for women, children & men living with, escaping or recovering from the impact of domestic and sexual violence.
01543 676800 (24 hours)
Emergency- 999
Non emergency – 101
Domestic violence service for women and children; run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge.
0808 2000 247 (24-hour)
Respect Phoneline
The Respect phoneline is an information and advice line for anyone who is violent and/or abusive towards their partner. It also provides information and contact details of perpetrator programmes available in the UK.
0845 122 8609
Rights of Women
Rights of Women has produced a number of information sheets on legal issues affecting women; these can be downloaded free of charge on its website.
Savana (Sexual Abuse)
Service in Stoke-on-Trent for victims of sexual abuse and rape.
01782 433204
Sexual Abuse Rape Advice Centre (SARAC)
SARAC delivers a specialised service to people aged 13 and over in Burton-upon-Trent who are affected by rape, sexual and/or domestic abuse.
01283 517185
Staffordshire Buddies
HIV and Sexual Health Charity for Stoke and Staffordshire. Provides support, information, advocacy and advice to those living with, or affected by, the virus, and by undertaking health promotion support to communities at risk.
01782 201251
Staffordshire Children’s Services
First Response -0800 13 13 126
EDT – 0845 604 2886
Staffordshire Women’s Aid
Staffordshire Women’s Aid provides refuge accommodation and community outreach support in the Stafford borough, South Staffordshire and Cannock Chase for women, children and men living with, escaping or recovering from the impact of domestic and sexual violence. Staffordshire Women’s Aid helpline is the central referral line for sexual violence victims throughout the whole county.
0300 330 5959 (24 hours)