In this section, you will find the Trust's Annual Publications and other key declarations.
- The Annual Report and Accounts – Department of Health and Social Care Group Bodies are required to publish each year, as a single document, a three-part annual report and accounts (ARA), containing (i) Performance Report, including an overview and a performance analysis; (ii) Accountability Report, including Corporate Governance Report, Remuneration and Staff Report, Audit Report; and (iii) The Financial Statements.
- Quality Account – Quality Accounts, also known as quality reports, are produced annually to provide information and assurance for service users, families, carers, the public and commissioners that the Trust reports on quality, and shows improvements in the services we deliver.
- Other publications – key information such as expenditure over £25,000 and the Register of Board Members’ interests
The Annual Report and Accounts is published each year at the trust’s Annual General Meeting. You can view the proceedings and presentations for previous AGMs by clicking here.
Other publications
Standing Financial Instructions
Board Members Register of Declarations 2024
Declaration of Interest Register – Decision Makers May 2024
Infection Prevention & Control Annual Report 2017/18
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework Policy
Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
Service User and Carer Experience Strategy
Single Sex Accommodation Compliance Statement
Bribery and Fraud
The Bribery Act 2010 was introduced to make it easier to tackle the issue of bribery which is a damaging practice. Bribery can be defined as ‘giving someone a financial or other advantage to encourage them to perform their duties improperly or reward them for having done so’.
To limit our exposure to bribery we have in place a Local Counter Fraud Policy, a Standards of Business Conduct Policy and Managing Conflicts of Interest Policy. These apply to all staff and to individuals and organisations who act on behalf of North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust.
We also employ a local counter fraud specialist who will investigate, as appropriate, any allegations of fraud, bribery or corruption.
The success of our anti-bribery approach depends on our staff playing their part in helping to detect and eradicate bribery. Therefore, we encourage staff, service users and others associated with North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust to report any suspicions of bribery and we will rigorously investigate any allegations. In addition, we hold a register of interest for directors, staff, and governors and ask staff not to accept gifts or hospitality that will compromise them or the Trust. The Board of Directors carries out its business in an open and transparent way.
We are committed to the prevention of bribery as well as to combating fraud and expect the organisations we work with to do the same. Doing business in this way enables us to reassure our patients, members and stakeholders that public funds are properly safeguarded. If you have any concerns or suspicions of fraud or bribery we need to know about, the Trust’s counter fraud specialist can be contacted in confidence:
By phone on: 07721488602
By email:
Interpretation/translation services
The Trust is committed to providing communication support for service users and carers whose first language is not English. This includes British Sign Language (BSL).
We can also produce written information in braille and in large print documents.
If you have any queries regarding the use of interpretation or translation services please do not hesitate to contact the Patient Experience Team at Harplands Hospital on 01782 275171 or via email at