Combined Healthcare Launches All Age Wellbeing Portal

A new online facility for people seeking support and advice for their mental wellbeing has been launched by North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust.

The All Age Wellbeing Portal empowers and enables the self-management of mental wellbeing for its users, whilst providing relevant information, guidance and support from the Trust and other partner organisations. It can be accessed by anyone, and they do not need to be service users of the Trust.

“Combined Healthcare’s vision has always been to be Digital by Choice. The Portal is the next step in our digital transformation work at the Trust, designed to revolutionise care for people of all ages,” said Lesley Birkin, Head of Digital Transformation, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust.

“We have previously launched and embedded a successful Portal for CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services) at Combined Healthcare, which transformed children’s services from traditional clinical referrals to a self-empowered model where children, families and professionals are able to access advice, materials and support.

“The new All Age Wellbeing Portal follows this model, and is full of advice and support on a range of topics including: Coping Skills; Reducing Alcohol Intake; Gaming and Gambling; Hearing and Seeing Things Others Don’t; How Physical Health Impacts on Mental Health and Wellbeing; Eating Problems; Sleep Health; Body Image, and much more.

“This is designed to be accessible, user friendly and offer signposting to the right services at the right time, all in one place.”

An electronic referral option is already available for Children and Young People, and is now in development for adults and people with learning disabilities in North Staffordshire, coming later this year.

To access the All Age Wellbeing Portal, please visit