Combined’s All Age Wellbeing Portal self-referral system now live for adults and people with learning disabilities

North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust has launched an online self-referral system for adults and people with learning disabilities within North Staffordshire through its All Age Wellbeing Portal platform.

Combined Healthcare’s All Age Wellbeing Portal

The new capability within the Portal enables adults and people with learning disabilities from North Staffordshire with the opportunity to refer themselves using the new online referral form. It also provides carers and professionals with the option to refer on behalf of the patient, where consent has been provided.

The All Age Wellbeing Portal empowers and enables the self-management of mental wellbeing for its users, whilst providing relevant information, guidance and support from the Trust and other partner organisations. It can be accessed by anyone, and they do not need to be service users of the Trust.

“Combined Healthcare’s vision has always been to be Digital by Choice. The self-referral innovation is the next step in our digital transformation work at the Trust, designed to revolutionise care and improve access for people of all ages,” said Lesley Birkin, Head of Digital Transformation, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust.

“Self-referral allows responsive access into Combined Healthcare’s services utilising digital technologies that work alongside the latest research-based assessments, ensuring the right level of help by the right service, based on the presenting complexities.”

The online referral forms are available on the All Age Wellbeing Portal at

The All Age Wellbeing Portal includes advice and support on a range of topics such as Coping Skills; Reducing Alcohol Intake; Gaming and Gambling; Hearing and Seeing Things Others Don’t; How Physical Health Impacts on Mental Health and Wellbeing; Eating Problems; Sleep Health; Body Image, and much more.