Listening and Engagement Active Partnerships (LEAP)

Listening and Engagement Active Partnerships (LEAP) lie at the heart of a concept we have developed, which we call “Active Listening”. This can also be described as “listening and engaging for a purpose”.

This includes listening to the views of and communicating with: 

  • our service users and their carers and families; 
  • our own staff;
  • local NHS and care partners;
  • our partners across the local Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, including our local government colleagues;
  • local voluntary and third sectors;
  • print and broadcast media
  • local businesses and employers; 
  • local decision makers, elected representatives and opinion formers;
  • audiences and communities active on social media; and
  • regional and national audiences.

It means having a continual awareness that we don’t just listen and communicate for the sake of it or as an end in itself, but in order to deliver – and be seen to deliver – concrete outcomes and improvements in our strategies and the recovery-focussed services we seek to deliver for local people, incorporating their views, insights and preferences. 

Get involved in Active Listening

Listening & Engagement Active Partnerships are a tool and an approach to help make a reality of Active Listening.  There are two aspects to LEAP

  • a formalised agreement between Combined Healthcare and relevant local, regional and national stakeholder organisations committing to inform and involve each other in campaigns, research activities, communications and social media activity; and
  • a disciplined business process – building on the traditional NHS ‘You said, We did’ approach – whereby each item of listening or feedback is analysed to identify whether or not something specific is being suggested or requested and – if so – adoption or rejection of each suggestion is logged, tracked and fed back to the original proposer upon completion or rejection.

If you or your organisation are interested in entering into a Listening and Engagement Active Partnership with Combined Healthcare, you can use the sign-up form by clicking the button below

If you wish to make a comment or a suggestion to Combined Healthcare, you can submit it via our Active Listening form by clicking on the button below