Home Treatment Team

Service name

Home Treatment Team

Main contact number

0300 123 1535

Service based at

Harplands Hospital
Hilton Road
ST4 6TH – click here to get directions from Google Maps

Service hours

8 am to 11 pm – Monday to Sunday

About the service

The Home Treatment Team helps avoid admission to the mental health inpatient wards by supporting people in acute mental crisis in their homes.

The team in made up of doctors, nurses, social workers and support workers who are available to support patients, carers and their families.

It also works with people in hospital, as they prepare for their discharge home. It helps people who have been discharged from hospital as they make the transition back into the community. The Home Treatment Team works closely with the Access Team who provide home out of hour crisis support. All patients are provided with an information leaflet about the service which includes details of who to call in an emergency.

PLEASE NOTE: As part of the Trust’s commitment to make it as easyas possible for our service users, carers and visitors to access and use our Harplands Hospital services, we have introduced a new camera controlled car park management system on the hospital site. You will be required to register your vehicle’s details if you are visiting the Harplands site. Please click on this link for more information. A downloadable leaflet for further information is available here.

Patient leaflets

Patient Information: Home Treatment Team leaflet.pdf