Combinations Episode 28 – Jenny’s story – life as a trans woman

Combinations is the new Podcast from Combined Healthcare. Click on the icon below to visit the Podcast on Soundcloud. Or you can scroll down the page and listen from within this website.

Jenny Harvey is our Chair of Staff Side and attends the Trust Board. She has worked for years for Combined Healthcare NHS, representing staff in all aspects of industrial relations, negotiation, representation and advocacy. She is a member of our People, Culture and Development Board Sub-Committee and our Inclusion Council and provides inclusion training for our staff. She is also a Trans woman.

In this story, first broadcast as part of our contribution to Pride 2020, Jenny tells of her childhood and teenage years, university and joining the NHS. She talks of her journey to transitioning to live her life openly as a trans woman, including difficult details of some of the attacks and abuse she has experienced along the way. She also talks of her hopes for Pride as it continues into the future, celebrating LGBT people whilst never forgetting its roots as a movement of protest.

If you would like to submit a story idea for a Combinations Podcast – please fill in the form on our staff, services users and carer stories page by clicking here .  We welcome ideas from everyone, whether you are a member of staff, a service user, a carer, a partner or simply interested in mental health issues.