Edward Myers Unit Virtual Open Morning Success

As part of Dry January 2022, the Edward Myers Unit held a successful Virtual Open Morning via MS Teams this week to showcase its work and offer to stakeholders.  

“It was a fantastic morning, and we were so pleased to see so many guests on the call for the event, who joined us to learn more about the specialist service we offer,” said John Cousins, Ward Manager. 

“We had a variety of speakers including talks from people who had previously struggled with substance misuse issues, who shared their recovery journeys, which was very powerful and inspiring. We were also really proud to include a virtual tour of the Unit and to promote our new website. The new website is intended to be a platform to showcase our specialist NHS inpatient detoxification unit for people, which can cater to those with complex physical and mental health needs, to community drug and alcohol services across the UK, as well as to those individuals who may be seeking private treatment.

“We hope this will be the first in a series of Open Events, promoting to all relevant stakeholders the great work that happens at Edward Myers Unit.”

You can watch the vitual tour here.

If you missed the event, but would like to learn more about Edward Myers Unit, including more about the services we offer or how to make a referral, please contact John Cousins, Ward Manager (john.cousins@combined.nhs.uk) or Kerrie Merriman, Medical Secretary (Kerrie.merriman@combined.nhs.uk).