Combinations Episode 11 – Suicide Awareness Training and Learning Disability

Combinations is the new Podcast from Combined Healthcare. Click on the icon below to visit the Podcast on Soundcloud. Or you can scroll down the page and listen from within this website.

Individuals with a Learning Disability have a much higher rate of risk factors associated with suicide, suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviours. But research and general understanding of suicide and its impact on this group is lacking.

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2019, Felicity Watkin and Phil Emery from our Learning Disability service tell us of their groundbreaking work – in collaboration with service users – to further adapt an innovative Suicide Awareness Training tool – SAFETool – to make it even more relevant to people with Learning Disabilities.

For more information, e-mail

If you would like to submit a story idea for a Combinations Podcast – please fill in the form on our staff, services users and carer stories page by clicking here .  We welcome ideas from everyone, whether you are a member of staff, a service user, a carer, a partner or simply interested in mental health issues.